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Chenin Blanc - A Celebration of Pineau de Loire!

Chenin Blanc - A Celebration of Pineau de Loire!

It is believed that the Chenin Blanc grape originated in the Anjou region of the Loire Valley back in the 9th century. Often referred to locally as Pineau de Loire, this variety has always been highly regarded, thanks to its ability produce dry, off-dry, sweet and sparkling wines due to its high acidity. 

In recent years, Chenin Blanc seems to be enjoying a real moment amongst natural wine lovers. The complexity and texture expressed from this variety is nothing new but Chenins from the Loire and further afield have found new appreciation. It's a Chenin celebration! Here are a few of our favourites...

Domaine Mosse - Savennières Arena 2022

From the famed schist soils of Savennières, this is top notch Chenin Blanc. Round, rich and mineral that will keep getting better for a long time yet.

Francois Saint-Lô - Les Pouches 2020

Cult-status wine from a trailblazing producer in the small village of Berrie. On the wilder side but still with plenty of ageing potential. 

Vins Hodgson - Chalan Polan 2022

Pet Nat from Mai & Kenji Hodgson who are making a big name for themselvesin Rablay Sur Layon.

Clos du Tue Boeuf - Pineau de la Loire 2021

Excellent value Chenin Blanc from Thierry Puzelat, one of the godfathers of natural wine. This is a clean and precise expression from Touraine.

Simon Rouillard - Le Corp du Schiste 2021

Rich and complex with some oxidative notes. From an up-and-coming producer in Anjou. 

Sablonnettes - Le P'Tit Blanc Sec 2021

Bargain natural Chenin from the schist soils of Coteaux du Layon. Easy drinking with a rustic vibe. 

Bencze Birtok - Chenin Blanc 2020

Bencze studied winemaking in the Loire and fell in love with Chenin Blanc so planted the variety upon return to his home county of Hungary. He farms biodynamically with outstanding results. 

Clémant Baraut - Savennières Roche Aux Moines 2022

From the esteemed Roche Aux Moines vineyard, considered to be amongst the best terroir in France. Huge ageing potential.

Happy Drinking!

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